Tag Archives: Where is Rick Santorum in the polls

Where is Rick Santorum in the Polls – The Latest Poll Numbers in the Wild GOP Race

If you are wondering where is Rick Santorum in the polls, we have the latest information on all of the GOP races.  It appears that Santorum is the only candidate who got a significant boost from his success in Iowa.  In the latest polls conducted by CBS News, Santorum is effectively tied for second place with Newt Gingrich at 14%.  Romney got 19% in the latest polls, and Ron Paul got 10% in the new poll.

These poll numbers are important for a variety of reasons.  Republican voters need to know that their guy has a chance to win the nomination, and since there is not a consensus on the best candidate, they are more likely to vote during the candidate selection season.  If Romney had simply run away with the campaign, then it is likely that many Republican voters would not even turn out for the Republican primaries.

Where is Rick Santorum in the polls

As far as where is Rick Santorum in the polls, the latest polls suggest that he might still have a chance to win the nomination in 2012.

This is remarkable considering how the race was shaping up for him in the months leading up to the Iowa caucuses.  When Michele Bachmann announced her nomination run last summer, she instantly became a popular candidate among the GOP.  She was popular for a few weeks, and then Rick Perry came on the scene.

When Perry announced his intentions to run for governor, it looked like he was going to be the candidate that would give Mitt Romney a run for his money.  After a few weeks, Perry’s star power faded, and he is probably not going to be in the race much longer.  Perry lost much of his support after he showed a lack of knowledge and preparation in the GOP debates leading up to the Iowa Caucuses.  While most people seem to like him, he simply did not debate well against any of his opponents, and that has made him irrelevant in the closing stages of his campaign.

Once the bandwagon jumped off Rick Perry, it jumped on with Herman Cain.  For a few weeks, it seemed that Herman Cain could do no wrong.  Once allegations of abuse and affairs propped up, his popularity faded, and Cain decided to leave the race.  Newt Gingrich was the next candidate to gain momentum, and while he has maintained some of his momentum, much of his support moved to Rick Santorum.

Where is Rick Santorum in the polls?  He is sitting just a few points back from Romney right now as the candidates prepare for New Hampshire.  Does Rick Santorum have a chance to win the nomination?  He definitely has a chance to win!

